Presentation Format
- MF3 Fellows will have 8-10 minutes to present an overview of their research. This presentation is for a general audience which is scientifically literate but not specialists in your narrow field.
- 3 minutes for questions and answer by the audience and general feedback about your presentation.
- 2 minutes for the External Evaluator to give feedback.
- All students will receive their written evaluation sheets from the Mavis Fellows and the External Evaluator.
Note: Great illustration of communicating “science for everybody” presentation. Presentation was given by a group of Illinois graduate students in Physics (Courtney Krafczyk, Rebecca Holmes, Michelle Victora, Jia Jun Wong, and Sheldon Scot Schlie).
Tips for Preparing Your Presentation
IMPORTANT: Avoid “Death by PowerPoint“.
- Introduction slide should contain the title (which should cue the audience on what they are about to learn), bibliographic citation, presenter’s name, any acknowledgments, and funding disclaimers.
- The presentation should inform the audience of the following information.
- Research Problem/Motivation
- Background – what the audience needs to know to help them follow the talk
- Why it is significant – what is the impact to society
- Methods
- Results and what do they mean
- Conclusions – what are your next steps
- Summary
- Summary slide should recap the main points of the presentation, which helps the audience to formulate their questions. This slide should stay up during the question-and-answer session.
- Make the summary slide count, as it will receive the longest audience exposure.
- Have your contact information in the lower right-hand corner of the summary slide.
- Estimate about 2 minutes per slide. Allow more time for dense slides, equations, and tabular data.
- Graphics help the audience understand complex concepts.
- Concentrate on the meaning vs. technical terms and the details of the actual experiment.
- Avoid a slide with all formulas.
- Define terms and any acronyms that are used.
- Know your audience and their technical ability to ensure they will be able to understand the talk.
- PowerPoint Tips to use when preparing PPT slides.
- Guide on color contrast and readability when creating a presentation.
Different Presentation Software
Note: PowerPoint presentations are the most commonly used. Below lists other software options for creating a presentation. If you choose to use a different software, it is important to bring a PDF version of your talk as not all computers used in the classrooms at Illinois or at your conferences will support these software packages.
- Prezi
- Keynote (Apple software)
- Google Slides
- ClearSlide
- emaze – Online Presentation Software
- SlideDog
- SlideRocket
- Beamer (Beamer Tutorial)